About Us
Thank you for your interest in Highway and Hedges ministries. We will always pray and seek the advice of our Lord and Savior for any and all situations.
About Us
A Ministry of Action…
I was inspired by the Spirit of God to start this ministry in August of 2008. We are a ministry of action that offers programs and services that promote the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial well-being of others. We focus on serving, not excelling, and giving ourselves fully to fulfill the need of those we help.
We hope and pray that our work through ministry will provide guidelilnes to live by, a closer relationship with God and family, to teach compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and how to better deal with life’s challenging situations.
About Us
Our Mission Statement
Highway and Hedges Ministries, Inc. is an 501c(3) outreach Ministry of action that was established in 2008 that focuses on the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of others. Our focal point is to spread and show the love of God through prayer, worship, counseling, mentoring and accountability. Our goal is to build the whole man spirit, soul and body and to have a direct relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We endeavor to build strong connections with our community, neighboring cities, its leaders and officials.
Why You Can Trust Us To Help
- Clarity: People trust leaders who provide clear communication.
- Compassion: You don’t have to be a saint to show people you care.
- Character – We do what’s right, not what’s easy.
Get Involved Today
Ministry Events
Here are some ways that you can get involved with Highway and Hedges Ministries. If you have questions, contact us today.

Bible Study Conference Call
Tuesday nights. Phone # 1-605-562-8400 access code 8209321

Local Shelter Feeding
Every 2nd Friday night @5:30pm

Clothing giveaway at Local Shelter
Twice a month @3:00pm (normally 2nd & 4th Sat.)

Ronald McDonald House Feeding
Every 2nd Sat each month @5:00pm

Additional Activities
- Nursing Home presentation for Mother’s and Father’s day.
- Local community cookouts that consist of food, games, fellowship, and Prayer.
- Adopt families for Christmas.
- Thanksgiving feeding at local Recreation facility.
Ready to Move Towards Change?
Reach out to us. Our ministry is here to provide support and resources to improve your life, no matter what challenges you may be facing.